historical recreation

There are times when it is not possible to either create or work from a lifecast of a person or even meet them to take photographs.

Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, most famous figure in the July 1944 bomb plot to assassinate Hitler and thus bring World War Two to an end, became our first „Forensic“ sculpt.

Using only photographs as a guide we built up layers of clay over a human skull-form to create our impression which is based on Rommel at the height of his success as commander of the German Afrika Korps in the Libyan desert of 1942.

The key to getting the facial dimensions perfect was in knowing the exact width of the metal eagle insignia on his cap . These eagles were always the same and by having access to one we were able to overlay this on enlargements of period photographs and thus mathematically work out all the key facial measurements !

To complete this full sized mannequin we took moulds of an actors hands holding the exact pattern of binoculars used on occasion by the Field Marshall and after very extensive searching managed to locate a leather greatcoat not only of correct period manufacture but made by the very same tailoring company as Rommel’s !

historical recreation

All images, likenesses, creations and logos shown are the copyright of johnleroi sculpture. Copyright ©2011 johnleroi sculpture. All rights reserved.