character visualization

We enjoy the challenge of finding just the right characters to fit the roles our figures are required to enact. This can mean hiring suitable models to pose for us, modifying or converting one of our existing sculpts or producing totally fresh characters entirely from scratch.

A display company needed specially constructed mannequins for an exhibition of military personalities from the middle ages to the end of The Cold War. Not only did we create the suitably stern and steely eyed headcasts and heroic bodyforms, we also supplied all of the uniforms.

We can accurately source and provide virtually any costume, weapon, period item or prop for use with our models… if they don’t exist we can make them! Our realistic hands can be produced in every imaginable pose to interact with and hold any conceivable object.

Both these figures were produced in polyester fibreglass. This material has a long history in providing very hardwearing, resilient and repairable castings which, using our own painting techniques can be finished to capture the variation and translucency of natural skin tone.

character visualization

All images, likenesses, creations and logos shown are the copyright of johnleroi sculpture. Copyright ©2011 johnleroi sculpture. All rights reserved.