Concept Design

Reynolds was a slave to his mind. No matter how he tried there was no rest from his eternal thinking. The cogs that revolved by day fairly span at night.

There was no halt, no respite, he was forever consumed by thought and taunted by an inner voice so relentless, so deafening that not even his own screams could rise above.

That extract from a Gothic Novel was the basis for this piece of conceptual sculpture

We chose to portray the thought process as a light which comes on in the head. Only in Reynold‘s case, thought is the very last thing he wants so the light has been upgraded to a massive antique radio valve which glows with such an intensity to literally fry his brain !

The perpetual turning within his mind is reflected in the verdigris encrusted cog wheels which form the support stand and his mental imprisonment is further underlined by the padlocked Atlas Pain Company metal clamp around his disembodied neck !.

This macabre object was a joy to make. It called on many aspects of our experience in the field of television visual effects over the past 20 years and dovetailed very nicely with our current involvement in figurative work .

It was based on an Action Lifecast of a model who was carefully rehearsed to strike the exact pose of mental anguish required for the piece. The cogged base and neck clamp were all scratch built from plastic and given a suitably grim paint finish to simulate decay and neglect while the Mullard valve itself was underlit with high powered and cold to the touch LEDs

James Whales Frankenstein let loose in the cartoon world of Tex Avery may not be everyones idea of tasteful decor but it certainly filled the brief we were set !

We can turn almost anything from fantasy or from a simple written concept into a design and usually build it. Lights, animatronics, sound……….Action


All images, likenesses, creations and logos shown are the copyright of johnleroi sculpture. Copyright ©2011 johnleroi sculpture. All rights reserved.