John Leroi Sculpture

Can produce exact likenesses of living people via the lifecasting process, recreate genuine characters from history through forensic sculpture and even give life to imagined personalities from the realms of fiction and fantasy.

Using entirely traditional sculptural techniques we produce for our clients what they want and how they want it. The finished results are those best suited to their own specific need. We produce in fibreglass, resin, silicone, stone & marble effect , metal plated and cast metal in both cold and foundry styles.

We specialise in unique and limited run bespoke mannequins for museums and stores and in the reproduction of busts, artistic torsos and full bodycasts for private commission by individual clients. Sittings can be either on site or at our studio.

All of our products are made entirely within the UK and we are based in beautiful Somerset.

head Rommel
russian Knight
head clay head

Allan, facial lifecast. Material fibreglass. The client was very pleased with how we captured both his essence and his spirit here

All images, likenesses, creations and logos shown are the copyright of johnleroi sculpture. Copyright ©2011 johnleroi sculpture. All rights reserved.